My first Interview

Student of the month Questions         Donovan Kubin
  1.  Was this a goal of yours? No I didn't really care but i saved the principle from a fire so i ended up getting it
  2.  How do you think you accomplished this? I accomplished this by working hard
  3.  Were you involved in school activities before or after school? No
  4.  Do you think it was hard to become student of the month? I think it was very hard
  5.  Was there any reward for becoming student of the month? A trophy filled with chocolate
  6.  Did this require a lot of work? Yes
  7.  Were there any people encouraging you to try to be student of the month? My biology teacher was pushing me a lot
  8.  Do people recognize you more that you were named student of the month? Yes all the time that it gets creepy
  9.  How does it feel to be called student of the month? It feels really good
  10.  When you found out you were student of the month what was your reaction? I screamed a lot and a window broke
  11.  Have your teachers congratulated you? Yes my math and biology teacher
  12.  How has your commitment to being a good student affected your grades? My grades have definitely went up
  13.   Will this be a goal for you next month? To get this reward back to back months? Yes because i like the attention i get
  14.  Do you think it will take more to get it a second time? Yes because i think it would be hard to top saving the principle
  15.  What kind of things would you tell someone who is trying to accomplish this? To keep trying and not give up
  16.   What has this achievement taught you? That saving the principle from a fire is very hard
  17.  How much have your parents been involved in pushing you to be the best student possible? They haven't really pushed me at all
  18.  Do you think this award is possible for anyone to achieve? Yes except you might have to save someone from a fire
  19.  Do you take pride in this award? Yes because the attention i get is so nice
  20.  Did you have confidence that you were going to win this award? No because i didn't know if i was gonna survive the fire


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