Post Shoot Reflection

1. A couple challenges I encountered while shooting is that I had a hard time finding things square so I ended up posting a picture of the trophy case by the athletic hall. Other than that I didn't get as many pictures as i wanted because i went first and had to make sure my partner had enough time to get his shots.

2. One big thing I was trying to focus on while I was shooting is making sure there was nothing distracting in my backgrounds. To do this I made sure that if there was any students or anything in my background I made sure they got far enough out of my picture before I took it.

3. If I went out and shot again I would try to be a little more creative with my pictures by using the key compositions. I would try to include some different angles and lines to make them more interesting.

4. Some things I would do the same is making sure my backgrounds aren't distracting and I would still shoot simple photos where there isn't too much going on.

5. (On my Prompt Shoot post)

6. Yes I would be interested in shooting them again because I know a little more now about things to do that will make my photos better and more interesting. I feel like if I did it agin I would have a lot better pictures.

1. On Lucas' photos I really liked the one of the chains, I like how the background is blurred and personally i kind of had a hard time finding something metal.

2. One thing that could've been improved was making sure not to shoot through glass and double checking where things are positioned in the shot.


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