Self Portrait vs Selfie

Self Portraits and selfies are pretty much the same thing but at the same time are two different things. A selfie is really just a snapshot of yourself to show that your at a certain place at a certain time. We take them to remember a moment thats important or fun in our lives. We take them to get comments from people like "oh you're so pretty" and stuff like that. A self portrait is a photo taken of yourself to create a certain idea or meaning. There is usually something that causes an inspiration for the photographer. In a way the difference is that a self portrait is more valuable and meant to be forever a inspiration or remembered for a longer time then a selfie. A selfie is almost meant to be forgotten at some point. Selfies are made so that you look at them later and remember the moment you took it at for a second. Self portraits are made based on feelings or an attitude you had when you captured it. They are meant to create emotion, not the event. The main and easiest difference is that selfies are captured spontaneously while self portraits take preparation and planning. Overall I think I prefer selfies just because they are easier and don't take preparation. They let you look back and remember the exact time and place you took it at.


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